Life. Raisin Kids. Baseball.

Anyone else tired just reading the title? Yeah, me too. But hey, this is life, raisin kids is hard, and baseball, well baseball is failing 70% of the time and still getting up and coming back for more.

This journal/blog/call it whatever you want is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and now the timing seems right.  Here’s the deal, there are lots of reasons I want to do this.

  1. I need to become a better writer for work, my written communication skills are pretty terrible, and this is an easy way for me to get better.
  2. I don’t claim to be the best baseball guy in the world BUT over the past 6 years of Crusaders and 18 years of being a parent, I think I have some interesting things to share.
  3. Because I want to and well, this is the biggest reason.  

What will these writing include? Great question! Life, Raisin Kids, and Baseball (yes for those outside of Eastern Kentucky it’s called “Raisin”, enunciating the “G” at the end is useless and a complete waste of time. But let’s look at a few specific topics we will discuss.

  • Baseball (Duh). For now, we aren’t going to get into the specifics of drills, pitch selections, or the value of the defensive shift (that’s boring, no one wants to read about that).  
  • We will talk about starting a baseball organization from scratch in a rural part of Eastern Kentucky.
  • Raisin 4 kids (who the heck has 4 kids?) and yes, I’ve heard the joke “Did you ever figure out where kids come from” a couple of times over the years. 😊 
  • Books!  Yep, I’ll be sharing some of the books that shaped my thoughts on Leadership, Family, Baseball, etc.  **Special note, if you don’t read, you can skip those sections. 😉
  •  I also share some good stories along the way.  

Final Thoughts.

  • These are my thoughts and opinions.  Yep, they won’t be perfect and I’m sure many of you will disagree.  Feel free to post in the comments section where I’m wrong.  Just be nice! I’m totally open for debate, I actually like it if it comes from logical people.  
  • I’m not perfect.  There will be errors, misspellings, poor grammar, and maybe I’ll just be flat wrong on some stuff.  Cool.  You know what else, I’m not a perfect baseball coach either, I once had a 9-year old throw like a million pitches in one game! True story and there’s a guy in Louisville that loves to remind me of it.  He’s right, I was wrong! So, there will be plenty of imperfections.  
  • I’ll try to add some humor if possible. If it’s not funny, well, just skip it.  It’s all good.
  • I will share personal stories along the way and when talking about my kids (Taylor 18, EJ 16, Kip 12, and Easton 10) I’ll use their names.  When I speak of other kids, coaches, parents, …..I’ll change the names to protect the innocent (and some of you aren’t innocent!)

So, sit back, enjoy the ride, and grab some popcorn 😊 and let’s have some fun.